Here are the highlights from the latest report.
This is a good school.
“Pupils are happy to attend this school. They enjoy learning. Playtimes are harmonious. A ‘no outsiders’ culture means there is a highly inclusive environment in which pupils thrive. Parents and pupils alike are very positive about the school. Many describe the school as welcoming and say that all staff are very approachable.”
“There is a broad and ambitious curriculum in place. Leaders are knowledgeable and passionate about the subjects they lead. Children in Reception year develop independence. This builds a strong start for Key Stage 1.”
“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Leaders seek advice promptly when they need further support in order to meet the needs of individuals. Staff understand pupils needs and ensure they meet them. As a result, pupils with SEND learn well.”
“Governors are extremely knowledgeable. They know the school’s strengths and development areas and understand how best to provide support and challenge.”
You can find the full Ofsted inspection report here.