The curriculum:
- is inclusive, meeting the needs of all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged, the most able and those with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- enables all pupils to make progress
- makes pupils aware of their rich cultural heritage
- makes pupils aware of current local and national issues
- ensures pupils are ready for the next stage of their learning
- provides and develops skills needed to be a successful learner
- promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and in society
- prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
For more information about how you can support your child, please speak to their class teacher.
The following links set out the content of our curriculum for each subject and for each year group.
Falcons Curriculum Overview (Year A)
Falcons Curriculum Overview (Year B)
Buzzards Curriculum Overview (Year A)
Buzzards Curriculum Overview (Year B)
Golden Eagles Curriculum Overview (Year A)
Golden Eagles Curriculum Overview (Year B)
For more information about the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our curriculum please see below:
Intent – Implementation – Impact
Click on the blue boxes for more information about each area of the curriculum.