
123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:45 - 18:00

Monday to Friday


We feel very lucky to be part of a supportive school

Parent of two pupils at the school


Parent of two pupils at the school

It’s an environment that encourages positive growth of character as well as academic achievement

Parent to three pupils at the school


Parent to three pupils at the school

Friendly welcoming and inclusive. Everyone is valued.

Parent to two pupils.


Parent to two pupils.

There is a great community feel to the school

Parent of year 5 pupil


Parent of year 5 pupil

I love the family feel that pervades through the school

Parent of year 2


Parent of year 2

At Iron Acton, the curriculum is broad and balanced, sets high expectations for every pupil, engages pupils and motivates them to learn.

The curriculum:

  • is inclusive, meeting the needs of all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged, the most able and those with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
  • enables all pupils to make progress
  • makes pupils aware of their rich cultural heritage
  • makes pupils aware of current local and national issues
  • ensures pupils are ready for the next stage of their learning
  • provides and develops skills needed to be a successful learner
  • promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and in society
  • prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life

For more information about how you can support your child, please speak to their class teacher.

The following links set out the content of our curriculum for each subject and for each year group.

Barn Owls Curriculum Overview

Falcons Curriculum Overview (Year A)

Falcons Curriculum Overview (Year B)

Buzzards Curriculum Overview (Year A)

Buzzards Curriculum Overview (Year B)

Golden Eagles Curriculum Overview (Year A)

Golden Eagles Curriculum Overview (Year B)


For more information about the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our curriculum please see below:

Intent – Implementation – Impact


Click on the blue boxes for more information about each area of the curriculum.

Learning in Reception is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and children are assessed using the EYFS framework. There are 17 areas of learning whereby children engage in a range of play based and hands on experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. Children are given opportunities to get involved in a mix of adult led activities and child initiated experiences. Continuous provision is a large part of learning at Reception and this includes; sand, water, construction, role play, book corner, creative area, investigation area, maths challenge and writing opportunities.

This is carefully designed in order to offer children a consistent learning environment which is safe for them to explore whilst challenging them. Within continuous provision children are able to explore the environment and develop independence. It also allows children to make choices and initiate their own play. Children are also assessed on the way that they learn and a judgement is made on their characteristics of learning at the end of the reception year.

Iron Acton EYFS Curriculum Overview


At Iron Acton we teach writing through Talk for Writing. Talk for Writing, developed by Pie Corbett, is a powerful tool to support children as they develop as writers. It enables them to imitate the language they need for a particular piece of writing orally, before reading and analysing it and then writing their own version.  It emphasises the importance of speaking and listening skills and performing texts using actions before moving on to writing.

We start by using drama and storytelling techniques to get experience of the text type. We read and analyse the text to make a toolkit (imitation phase). Then we share write sections of the text and write similar sections (innovation phase). Finally we are ready to write independently (independent application phase).

Children need to see handwriting modelled to them frequently to embed letter formation and joins. This helps children to have regular experience of joined writing. Children are taught handwriting in weekly lessons.

Spelling is taught to children throughout the school in regular lessons. In Reception and Year 1 this is through Unlocking Letters and Sounds programme. From Year 2 to Year 6 we use No Nonsense Spelling. Year 2 and 3 have daily lessons and Years 4-6 have five sessions a fortnight.

Phonics Scheme

We use Unlocking Letters and Sounds which was validated by the DfE in December 2021.

We begin teaching phonics in the first few weeks of term 1 in Reception and children make rapid progress in their reading journey. Children begin to learn the main sounds heard in the English Language and how they can be represented, as well as learning ‘Common Exception’ words for Phases 2, 3 and 4. They use these sounds to read and write simple words, captions and sentences. Children leave Reception being able to apply the phonemes taught within Phase 2, 3 and 4.

Actions, images and handwriting – Phase 2

In Year 1 through Phase 5a, b and c, they learn any alternative spellings and pronunciations for the graphemes and additional Common Exception Words. By the end of Year 1 children will have mastered using phonics to decode and blend when reading and segment when spelling. In Year 1 all children are screened using the national Phonics Screening Check.

In Year 2, phonics continues to be revisited to ensure mastery of the phonetic code and any child who does not meet age related expectations will continue to receive support to close identified gaps.

For further details please see the Unlocking Letters and Sounds Summary Progression document.

To ensure no child is left behind at any point in the progression, children are regularly assessed and supported to keep up through bespoke 1-1 interventions. These include GPC recognition and blending and segmenting interventions. The lowest attaining 20% of pupils are closely monitored to ensure these interventions have an impact.

Reading Scheme

At the Pinnacle Schools Federation we promote a ‘phonics first’ approach and in both our guided reading sessions at school and in the books children take home, texts are very closely matched to a child’s current phonics knowledge so that every child can experience real success in their reading. In these crucial early stages of reading we primarily use books from Ransom Reading Stars and Big Cat to ensure complete fidelity to the Unlocking Letters and Sounds progression we follow.

Once children progress beyond decodable texts, they move onto our book scheme so that they can continue to progress in their decoding, fluency and comprehension skills to become avid, expert readers

At Iron Acton we use the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach to lessons. Concepts are introduced with concrete resources for children to feel and manipulate. As their conceptual understanding develops, they move towards the pictorial and abstract stages (formal written methods). Children are not moved through these stages until they are ready.

The Mathematics curriculum focuses on developing three key skills. Firstly, children will develop fluency in mathematical facts and methods in order to use these at speed and with sound knowledge. Secondly, they are encouraged to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, identifying relationships and generalisations and developing an argument through the use of mathematical language. Thirdly, children solve problems by applying their mathematics in a range of differing contexts. By developing these three fundamental stages, we aim for all children to achieve ‘mastery’ of their yearly objectives.

In addition to our daily Mathematics Lessons, pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, take part in the Mastering Number Programme. These are short, daily sessions which aim to support children with fluency in calculation and flexibility with number.


Curriculum Overview Mathematics

Mastering Number Reception Overview

Mastering Number Year 1 Overview

Mastering Number Year 2 Overview

At Iron Acton Primary School, an enriched science curriculum that provides opportunities for practical lessons on a weekly basis is key. The children are exposed to a wide variety of topics that support the children’s curiosity for learning and children are encouraged to be curious and form their own questions.

Our curriculum aims to broaden the children’s scientific view of the world around them, whilst promoting a love for enquiry and wanting to explore new things. In Key Stage 1, children are able to observe and experience scientific phenomena first hand. In Key Stage 2, children will be able to broaden their scientific view of the world around them and develop a deeper understanding of scientific concepts through discussion, exploration, testing and developing their own ideas.

Science is taught as part of the Curious City approach which is set out in more detail using the link above.

Curriculum Overview Science

Art is experimental and explorative and is not just about the finished piece, but the whole creative process. The children at Iron Acton develop their art skills as they move through the school in the areas of drawing, painting, 3D work, collage, printing, photography and textiles. Through looking at, discussing, exploring and practising the techniques, children develop a visual perceptiveness and language with which they can explore the world around them and express their ideas and feelings.

Often, you can see some fantastic art work on display both in classrooms and around the school.

Art and Design are taught as part of the Curious City approach which is set out in more detail using the link above.

Art and DT Overview

Why is Computing important?

Curious Computing provides high quality computing experiences through enquiry led learning. Pupils will become independent and skilled computer users. Through exploration and investigation activities, creative and problem solving skills are developed so they are able to adapt and develop a lifelong fascination with our ever-changing technological world. Enquiries are organised into three overarching themes; “Creative Computing”, “Programming and Coding” and “Digital Research”. Pupils will become digitally literate – able to use, develop ideas and express themselves through information and communication technology. Each enquiry develops skills and knowledge displayed within an end of enquiry challenge. E-safety is taught utilising resources, regularly updated, from Commonsense media which aims for children to take ownership of their digital lives. E-safety changes at a rapid rate and fundamental to creating digital citizens, using technology safely.

Computing Overview

Design and technology lessons provide opportunities for children to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.

Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. We work closely with The Travelling Kitchen to ensure all children have the opportunity to develop their cookery skills with links to the curriculum topics.

Design and Technology is taught as part of the Curious City approach which is set out in more detail using the link above.

Art and DT Overview

In History we will endeavour to teach children about:

  • Changes within living memory.
  • Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally.
  • The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.
  • Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.

History is taught as part of the Curious City approach which is set out in more detail using the link above.

History Overview

In Geography we will endeavour to teach children about:

  • Location knowledge
  • Place knowledge
  • Human and physical geography
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork

Geography is taught as part of the Curious City approach which is set out in more detail using the link above.

Geography Overview

At Iron Acton Primary School we follow the Charanga Musical School Scheme of Work. This is an online program complete with music, video clips and tutorials which provides week by week support for teachers in delivering the Music curriculum. Each lesson is taught through three key stages: listening and appraising, creating and exploring and finally performing.

Every week the pupils take part in a singing assembly where the whole school sings a combination of traditional hymns and modern songs linked to our value of the term. Children also have the opportunity to sing songs from other cultures.

In addition to this, the school works with the South Gloucestershire Music Hub to ensure all pupils have an opportunity to experience playing a musical instrument. This occurs through termly workshops such as samba and singing. Families may also choose to fund individual or small group instrument lessons.

Music Overview

We use a Curious Linguists approach to teaching languages at KS2.  In years 5 and 6 we will be learning French as a basis for all European language study and to cover the statutory requirements for KS2 as well as carrying out language investigations based on different topics.

We will be learning through ‘investigations’ where the children will have a task and will learn about an area of language or culture which is not language specific i.e. they will be learning through different languages which gives them a broad base to learn about languages later on. This ensures that language learning is investigative and fun in primary school.

Languages Overview

PSHE is taught through 6 puzzles, each containing six pieces.  They are entitled: Being me in my world; Celebrating difference; Dreams and goals, Healthy me; relationships and Changing me.

Alongside this, we also have an anti-bullying week, which looks at relationships and reinforces good behaviour and a health week which looks at healthy eating and making healthy choices concerning lifestyles etc.  Every other year we have a visit from the Life skills.

For the SRE (Sex and Relationships Education) section of PSHE, we follow the Living and Growing primary scheme throughout the school during one week in the summer term.

Overview of Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work

PSHE sex and relationship guide for parents

PSHE Safeguarding support for parents

PSHE Overview

PE (physical education) at Iron Acton provides a range of opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness. It encourages children to become competitive both within school and beyond.


Pupils develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident in a broad range of activities. These extend their agility, balance and coordination individually and in groups. Pupils will be taught to:

  • Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
  • Perform dances and gymnastic routines using simple movement patterns.


Pupils continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, using them in different ways and linking them to make actions and sequences. They enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They understand how to improve in different physical activities and can evaluate and recognise their success. Pupils develop in greater depth the skills learnt in KS1 and apply these in a wider range of sports and activities, such as:

  • Games including football, tag rugby, hockey, cricket
  • Outdoor and adventurous activities including orienteering and school camp
  • They will also take part in athletics, swimming, gymnastics and dance lessons.

Boys and girls are taught together in class groups and both genders are encourage to participate in all sports.

Class teachers teach one hour of PE. In addition, we use sports coaches to teach a further hour each week and also upskill staff. The PE lead teacher liaises with the small schools network (and other local networks) to arrange competitive events for the children to represent our school at tournaments and festivals.

There are a range of extra-curricular sports clubs which run throughout the year and provide additional opportunities for children to excel.

PE Curriculum Overview

PE curriculum map

Iron Acton Primary School is a church school which makes Religious Education a crucial part of the children’s experiences. We use the locally agreed syllabus for South Gloucestershire to provide a high quality Religious Education. This comes from the organisation RE Today and uses questions to stimulate thinking and engage learners, for example:

  • What does it mean to belong to a faith community?
  • What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
  • Who is a Christian and what do they believe?

We use a range of artefacts and resources to support the teaching of Religious Education. We plan visits to places of worship in the local area and welcome visitors from different religions into school to talk to the children.

In Early Years, children learn about important religious festivals at key times of the year. They also reflect on special people, places and stories.

At Key Stage One, children learn about the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions.

At Key Stage Two, children learn about the Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu religions.

Children from all year groups learn about a range of non-religious world views.

There is a heavier weighting towards the teaching of the Christian religion across both key stages.

Should parents not wish for their child to participate in this aspect of the curriculum, they should discuss the matter with the head teacher in the first instance in order that all the issues relating to opting out may be explored.

RE overview


RE subject leader: Mr Mike Riches

Collective Worship takes places on a daily basis and is wholly or broadly of a Christian character. Each term, one of our Christian values forms the basis for the themes in Collective Worship. Other major events and celebrations from all of the main religions are also recognised, including, Harvest, Diwali and Eid.

During each Collective Worship, there is usually a welcome and greeting, an opportunity to engage in sung praise, a Bible story or other story with a message and an opportunity to reflect and pray. Sometimes, visitors are carefully selected and invited into school to lead Collective Worship, for example, the local priest and Christian organisation Regenerate.

Children are involved in the planning and delivery of Collective Worship, particularly each Friday when there is a celebration focus. Often children are invited to lead prayers, act out stories and share learning that has taken place.

Through the year, a variety of themed weeks and days will be utilised to enhance the curriculum. These include: health week, maths week, science week, anti-bullying week, Black History Month and Fair Trade Fortnight. In addition, religious festivals from the major world religions will form part of children’s learning and will be embedded alongside the Christian values explored each term.