
123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:45 - 18:00

Monday to Friday

Julie Gardener


Chair and Foundation Governor

With a background in primary education, I have served on 5 different Governing Boards as Teacher Governor,  then ex-officio Headteacher until I retired in 2020. My own children attended Hawkesbury Primary School and although this was many years ago, my links with the school and community are well embedded.  I am delighted to have served as a Foundation Governor since September 2021 and seek to use my knowledge and experience of strategic leadership for the benefit of pupils, staff, parents and the communities of the Pinnacle Federation schools.

I am currently Chair of the Full Governing Body and am a member of the Pay Panel. 

My current Link Governor responsibilities are Christian Distinctiveness, Vision and Values. I am also responsible for Governor induction, development and succession.