
123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:45 - 18:00

Monday to Friday

Sarah Godsell

Local Authority Governor

I have been a governor at Iron Acton Primary school since February 2019 and am now the local authority governor on the Pinnacle Schools Federation Board of Governors. For many years I was a primary school teacher with a background in leading on personal, social and health education. More recently I have worked in the public health team at South Gloucestershire Council, and now lead on our public health children & young people 0-19 agenda. I’m passionate about supporting both our schools to be wonderfully creative places, where children can thrive and flourish. Outside of work I belong to the Actonians drama group in Iron Acton village. With fellow Actonians, I also run our youth drama group, Junior Actonians. I also volunteer with The Cinnamon Trust and enjoy helping those who can’t walk their dog but don’t want to give up their beloved pet.